Our Ancestors were few but our Descendants are many
Our Ancestors were few but our Descendants are many

History & Ancestry

St. Josephs Church , the old and new. The original St. Joseph church (not pictured) burned down and was later rebuilt. Pictured left below was the rebuilt church completed in 1887.


Over 100 years ago, the now standing St. Joseph church was built on land donated by Peter Simoneau family and proudly marks the City of Damar.

To learn more about our beautiful church that our ancestors built over 100 years ago go to (www.kansastravel.org/stjosephchurch.htm)


The Foundation is always looking for more old pictures, articles, or just old written stories from our ancestors. If you have something to share with us and would like us to possibly display those items, contact anyone of the trustees.


This section of the Website will be devoted to our history and ancestors. We will be collecting articles, old pictures and other material and will be sharing them with you in the future. If you would like to submit information that we can use, please contact us.

add picture of new cemetery gates here completed in 2022

     Pictured to the right is a new shelter house located at the cemetery erected by the children of Phillip and Verna Desbien  in memory of their husband and father.  Inside is a directry of all the burial sites along with a matrix map of where everyone is buried in the whole cemetery.

Want to Become a Member?

Please call us at:785-726-3540 or fill out our contact form or email us at jdesbien@gbta.net




105 Main St Box 42

Damar, 67632



 Latest City park expansion  Go to our projets page for more.

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