The success of the foundation lies in present and future membership. You can become a lifetime member for as little as $100 with voting rights.
We can accept any amount and many types of gifts and we hope that you will consider us in your gift giving. Memorials for any amount are appreciated. All memberships and donations are tax deductible.
An endowment is a financial donation asset transferred to the Foundation. It may be in the form of Cash, Stock, Annuities, Land or other real estate. The asset given has a stated purpose at the bequest of the donor. Most endowments are designed to keep the principal amount intact while using the investment income to assist the Foundation long term goals.
Gift giving in the form of an endowments can be a great way to remember family members and loved ones forever. We can set up a restricted endowment for as little as $1,000.
We will need to grow our endowment assets to insure that our Foundation can support the long term goals, and so that donors can be assured that their gift will be long lasting. No principal will be spent without the consent of the donor contractually. In the event that the Foundation ever cease, the Foundation has named the City of Damar and St. Joseph church to be the recipients of the remaining money.
In order to build the endowment pools the DCF has developed a special program called the Endowment Wall of Memories. An area of wall space of the newly remodeled French Quarters will be reserved for families that would like to make a special endowment pledge remembering their parents, grandparents or any other ancestors of Damar. A limited number of locations will be showcased and made available and five to date have been paid or pledged. To reserve a location on the wall, please contact Jim Desbien 785-726-3540 or email us at
Pictured below are the finished showcaes and album bookcases on the Endowment Wall. Families have been working on their family albums and showcases exhibits.
There are 3 remaining showcase memorials as of 2024
The children of the Alverize and Blanche Berland family chose one of the best ways to remember their past by being the first family to honor their parents on the Endowment Wall of memories located in the Memorial display room of the Damar French Quarter Visitors Center. Their memorial will feature a beautiful glass enclosed showcase with special pictures and memorabilia from their family along with an album bookcase filled with more pictures, records and articles .
Alverize born in 1911 and his brother Bert were the sons born to R.P. Berland and Laura (Desbien) Berland along with two sisters, Alma and Jeanette. Gilbert, another son died at age three. Blanche Kerr born in 1918 was one of 7 children born to William and Libby Newell Kerr. Alverize and Blanche raised eight children; Harlan(B:1935), Roberta(B:1937), Carolyn(B:1940, Paul(B:1941) Douglas,(B:1943) Deborah(B:1951), Vincent (B:1952)and Bryan(B:1959). Blanche was a homemaker with a heart of gold and stayed busy trying to feed a growing family. One of the kids favorite meal was chicken pot pie that she made in the old 5” cast iron skillet. She died in 1988 of a sudden heart attack. Alverize was a farmer and rancher, and loved to go to auctions. All the local auctioneers gave him his favorite number of double zero and could count on him to start nearly every bid at a dollar. At the end of the day, he most likely had a pickup full of horse tackle to compile and use for his first love, horses. He loved horses and often would board up to 40 at a time, all of which he knew their pedigrees. He broke quarter horses and had team horses which he trained to pull wagons. It wasn’t uncommon to see him parading through Damar in his wagon, picking up kids along the way like a school bus driver. When the last kid got off, down the road he would go back to his farm a mile east of Damar. He lived until a ripe old age of 94 and it wasn’t surprising, that his last ride was in a big green horse drawn funeral wagon that carried him on the 2 mile ride from St. Josephs church to the cemetery on the hill.
(Since the Berland family decided to honor their parents this way, two more families have chosen to do so as well. There are 5 more locations remaining on the Endowment Wall. If you or your family would like to know more about this program, contact Jim Desbien and he will schedule a presentation and demonstration.)
Please help us with your membership or consider a special endowment
Memorial Display panels to remember your love ones
A tombstone in the cemetery is a very appropriate way to memorialize those gone before us, but you can honor your family and your loved ones by purchasing a full panel and decorating it with articles and pictures. The panels are 25" x 37" in size and the money spent on this display will be endowed forever with the earnings going to support the Foundation buildings. The panels will be on display for the public to view permanently. We can assist you in making your display panel. Contact Jim Desbien if you are interested.