Our Ancestors were few but our Descendants are many
Our Ancestors were few but our Descendants are many

Veterans Memorial Display

This section is dedicated to all the veterans and those who served in any branch of the military and especially those former Damar residents that gave their lives in Wars past.



 Veterans and friends  We need your help!!!!! 

We are dedicating a section of the French Quarter Visitor Memorial Room for all those who served in the military and have roots from Damar.   If you served or know someone who has served, please furnish us his or her name, a picture, preferably in uniform, the branch of service, rank, deployments,and any special medals or awards.  You may be a veteran and have never lived a day in Damar, but your great grandfather may been from Damar.  You are eligible.  We would like to know your ancestry.  We will be displaying everyone on our special display panels.  Please help us.  You can email us at dchf@ruraltel.net or send us the information to Box 42, Damar. 


Want to Become a Member?

Please call us at:785-726-3540 or fill out our contact form or email us at jdesbien@gbta.net




105 Main St Box 42

Damar, 67632



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